It's March here in the Northern Hemisphere. We are all hoping the groundhog was correct and an early spring comes to grace us with beautiful weather. Maybe the groundhog is a white wine enthusiast and is hoping to enjoy a crisp Pinot Grigio soon who knows?
So while we sit here and hope for rain (overnight only please) and sunshine during the day to bring warmer weather, those in the Southern Hemisphere are prepping for wine harvest.
Some vineyards are able to harvest starting in February, but most are harvesting in March as they are approaching the end of summer.
Ever enjoyed an Argentinian Malbec? A New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc? Pinotage from South Africa? Well those lovelies are all getting picked right now so you can enjoy a new vintage soon! And if you haven't, what's been keeping you?
Many people know about Argentina and its Malbec; the grape is native to France but ventured over the ocean and Argentina is the new star of the show in the world of Malbec. France still plants some and uses it mostly as a blending grape now. Mendoza, the area where almost 75% of all Argentinian Malbec is grown, is situated at the base of the Andes. The region receives lots of sunlight and snow melt and the soil here allows this grape to show off its best personality.
If you're more of a Chenin Blanc or Pinotage person then not only are they harvesting those right now in South Africa, but they are also enjoying (or maybe not) the penguins as they begin their breeding season in March. Yup those cuties from the nature shows are taking over the towns and the coast to start a family. Definitely a two-fer type of trip to visit vineyards AND see penguins.
-Oh and if you have not tried Pinotage yet, let's work on that. It's usually a 'love it or hate it' type of wine for people, but worth a try for everyone!
Personally, I love a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. So I know that my fav lil grapes are getting harvested right now and I will get to enjoy a new vintage soon! Marlborough produces most of the country's wine and although the tasting notes and nose on a true NZ Sauv Blanc may sound horrendous-cat pee & grass anyone??-I can assure you it comes off as crisp and enjoyable on a hot day.
So while we're waiting for the weather to warm, others are looking forward to the cooler nights and are working hard getting some of our favorite wines ready. If you get in a wine rut, try exploring Southern Hemi wines for the next month or two during their harvest season. You'll help make room for the new wines to fill the shelves and possibly you'll find a new wine you enjoy.
